Pin Trading At Disneyland

Pin Trading At Disneyland

Pin trading at Disneyland is one of the fun things they are doing right now!  It used to be more of a thing there, but it's still something fun to do!

Some cast members have a pad with pins on it.  If you see them you can trade the pins.  Stores trade too.  If you see a store with a board of pins on their counter ~ they will trade.

When you book your Disneyland vacation with a Disney travel agent they will send you a coupon book that will include a free pin and lanyard for each guest in your party.  They sell the pins and lanyards at a lot of the stores at Disneyland so you can start your own collection. 

My daughter, Rachel never has traded her pins.  We just get ours with our vacation package and we buy them at the park.  Rachel just collects them and doesn't do the pin trading thing.  She always gets excited to buy the pins!  They have a ton of super cute pins at Disneyland!

Some people go all out with collecting and trading the pins.  I've seen some people with a lot of lanyards filled with pins. Even some people cover their hats with pins.  It's so fun to see that!

~ Britt

Here are two videos of my daughter opening a couple of mystery pin boxes.  She loves the Alice In Wonderland mystery pin boxes!  They are fun to collect!

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