How To Make An Autograph Book For Disneyland

How To Make An Autograph Book For Disneyland

Making your own Disney autograph book is fun!  My daughter loved making her book!  It's easy and it's a great way to save money if you need to.

The Disney autograph books at Disneyland cost around $12 to $15.  My daughter usually buys one, but our last trip to Disneyland she decided it would be fun to make one.

We went to the craft store to buys these items.  Disney stickers, a little flower bunch thing, a pack of those rings that close, a packet of card stock white paper cards ~ 4x6, and red card stock paper.  Plus we also bought red ribbon.  It's not in the picture.  We used it to make little bows on the rings.

It was really easy.  She just decorated the cards with stickers and we cut the red paper to make it the cover and one for the back.  Then we used the hole bunch/flower thing to create the holes on the side to connect all the cards with the rings.

This was just our simple way to make the autograph books, but if you want more ideas ~ there are a lot on Pinterest.

~ Britt

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