Disney Autograph Books

Disneyland autograph books

My daughter's favorite autograph books to buy at Disneyland are the ones that have the photo page and the autograph page.  When you go back to look at them later it's fun see the photo with the autograph!

You can purchase the autograph books at pretty much any store in the park or outside of it.  Some of the hotels right outside of Disneyland have convenient stores and they sell the books there too.  I don't remember exactly how much the books are, but I think maybe around $12.

We always buy the autograph books at Disneyland, but I've seen blogs from looking on Pinterest that have ideas on how you can make your own.  My sister bought her little girls Disney notebooks from the dollar store.  So if you don't want to buy the autograph books you can make them or buy something close like the notebooks at the dollar store.  

My daughter thought it would be fun to make one for our next trip.  I bought some scrapbooking stuff to make one.  So I will do a post on that soon.

The ones that don't have the photo pages are nice because you have more pages for the characters to sign.  Both sides can be signed with these books.  The ones that have the photo pages only have the one side that can be signed.

You can use any pen for the autographs, but my daughter loves using the Disney pens!  I love how fun they look!

~ Britt

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