What To Do At Disneyland On A Rainy Day

Rainy days at Disneyland are not as fun as a normal day, but it's still a fun day at Disneyland!  It's great because there are less people! 

I know you can buy ponchos at Disneyland, but I always bring ours.  I think next time I want to buy the Disneyland one, because it will be fun to have a poncho that says Disneyland on it!

You can buy cheap ones at the store or on Amazon.com.

Shop and eat at restaurants
On our walk from our room at the Disneyland Hotel to the park we walked by all the stores in Downtown Disney.  So we stopped by some stores to shop so we wouldn't get rained on.

Also eating at sit down restaurants was nice to get out of the rain.  One of our raining days we ended up eating at the Rain Forest Cafe in Downtown Disney, because we wanted to walk around the shop inside while we waited for our table.  That day was a forty five minute wait for a table, but when it's raining you don't want to wonder around looking for a restaurant.  

The picture above is at the Lego store in Downtown Disney.

Ride the rides that are covered for waiting in line
Like Indiana Jones ride, Jungle Cruise, and Star Tours.  Rides that you wait in line inside for most of the line.  When it's raining we would just think of all the rides that were covered and go on that ride.  

Rides that were not covered didn't sound fun to wait in those lines.  Some rides you wait outside for a part of the ride, then inside for the rest.  Those worked too.

Take a break during the day
I usually take a break during the day and rest at our hotel.  When it's raining I think it's helpful to take a break at the hotel to rest inside and dry your clothes. 

We would have to dry our clothes on the super rainy days.  I changed my shoes, my socks, my pants, and sometimes my shirt.  It's nice to get in dry clothes and when you head out again it's not that bad.

One day at Disneyland it was raining so much.  We thought it would be nice to use the dryers at the hotel to dry our clothes, but the dryers had a huge wait.  We ended up using the hair dryer from the hotel to dry shoes and clothes.  It works, but takes time.    

It was fun going up to the lines and not waiting as long as we usually do during normal busy days at Disneyland.  Rainy days at Disneyland means less people.  So it's awesome!

~ Britt

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