How To Use Disneyland's Fastpasses

Always have a Fastpass for the rides that offer them at the busy times at Disneyland!  They save you a lot of time!  Not every ride has the Fastpass.  Just the main/popular rides.

How Fastpasses work at Disneyland... there are Fastpass machines right by the rides.  Some are around the ride.  You just put your park ticket into the machine and it will pop out a Fastpass.  You will need one Fastpass for each person you are wanting to go on the ride.  One Fastpass for a group doesn't work.  Plus you can only have one Fastpass at a time.  A long time ago I found that out.  We got one at Space Mountain and then went to get one at Star Tours.  The Star Tours Fastpasses said Not Valid.  Right after you go on the ride and it's past the return time ~ you can get another one.

For Fastpasses for the nightly events ~ those don't count towards your one at a time Fastpass.  You can have a Fastpass for a ride and still have the event Fastpass.  It's just one at a time for the rides.  

I know with bigger groups they will wait in line for a ride, but have someone in their group run to a Fastpass machine with all their park tickets and get their Fastpasses to save time.  Then they take turns after that ride.  Someone else in the group will get the next set of Fastpasses when it's time for that.  For me ~ I just go with my daughter, get the Fastpasses for the both of us, and go on our next ride.

Most Fastpass machines are right by the rides.  Like Space Mountain's are on the right of the entrance to the ride, Big Thunder Mountain's is on the right of their entrance, and Indiana Jones Fastpasses are on the left of the entrance.  Star Tour is across from the ride on the other side.  It's on the right side of Buzz's ride entrance.  In California Adventures they have a few rides with the Fastpasses too.  California Screamin has it to the left of the entrance, Soarin' Over California has it to the left (I think), and I know Tower of Terror has them, but we always just got on the ride and never got the Fastpass.  I didn't pay attention to where those are.  So somewhere near the ride ;)  

For the Cars ride in California Adventures ~ that Fastpass machine is not by the ride.  It's on the left side of the street as you walk down the main street.  Kind of by Bugs Life Land.  You will see it.  You have to go early to get the Fastpass for that ride.  They will run out.  One time we just went in the morning and went on the ride.  We didn't want to worry about getting the Fastpass for that ride and just waited about thirty minutes.  The line is shaded and they have fans when it's hot, so it's not that bad to wait.  Most of the time I get the Fastpass to save some time.

We were eating lunch at Cafe Orleans and we currently had Fastpasses to Indiana Jones ride.  At the restaurant there was a little accident in the kitchen and my daughter got spilled on because our table was right by the kitchen.  We had to get her cleaned up and they were so nice they got us a reservation to see Anna and Elsa without the fastpass for them.  With everything going on at the restaurant we were a few minutes late for our return time for the ride.  The lady from the restaurant told me to show them my receipt from there and tell them there was a little accident and that's why we were late.  I was about to explain to the lady for the Fastpass line, but she was okay with us being a little late and let us right in.  It does say no early or late arrivals.  So sometimes if things come up ~ they are nice about it and let you in.

~ Britt

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