Out of all of my Disneyland apps ~ this one is my favorite! The Magic Guide for Disneyland. I love it because it has the hours of the park with the magic hour included, the wait times, a map with the wait times, and my favorite part ~ the menus to all of the dining in Disneyland. When my daughter and I want to go eat lunch we'll look on this app and find where we feel like eating. It's perfect!

Here is the second page to the menus. You can see the restaurants in the park. You have a choice on the first page to click on the park you are going to eat at or hotel. I like how they have the price range for that restaurant. If you see one $ it's pretty cheap. Two $$ it's a little more money, etc.

This is how the menu is set up. Description and price is on the page. It's great how they have everything on it!
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