10 Things To Do While Waiting In Line For Disneyland Rides

10 Things To Do While Waiting In Line For Disneyland Rides

10 Things To Do While Waiting In Line For Disneyland Rides1 ~ Heads Up:  My daughter and I love playing the Heads Up game/app on my phone.  It has a Disney deck you can purchase with the app.  We love that one the most!  It's perfect for Disneyland!

2 ~ I Spy game:  This one is a fun one to play!  Find an item and others have to guess what you spy.

3 ~ 20 Questions:  Kind of the same style of game, but others ask you 20 questions to figure out what item/person you thought of.  It's fun if you have it Disney themed!

4 ~ Snacks:  While you wait in line it's a great time to have a little snack!

5 ~ Conversation Starter Questions:  Look up online conversation jar questions or family conversation starter questions.  There are a lot of blogs with a long list of fun questions to ask.  Like... what type of superhero would you want to be?

6 ~ People watching:  So many amazing people go to Disneyland so I like to people watch! ;)

7 ~ Getting to know you questions:  Think of questions you would ask someone you just met like what's your favorite color, food, movie, book, etc.

8 ~ Character Alphabet:  This game I saw on Pinterest.  List a bunch of characters starting with A like.. A if for Aladdin, B for Baloo on Jungle Book, etc.

9 ~ Rock, Paper, Scissors or if you're a Big Bang Theory fan Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.  Always a fun game!

10 ~ That hand slap game.  My daughter and I play it sometimes in lines when we get bored.  It's fun!

~ Britt

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